Winter at the Cabin

In March we took a trip to the cabin with GG and Grandad. Hank was thrilled with all the snow the first part of our trip and thoroughly enjoyed the near white out we had on our last leg of the journey into the cabin. Grandad is an excellent driver and we have him to thank for getting us all there intact.

As always at the cabin, Hank had a blast being outside, feeding the deer and the birds, watching the wildlife, throwing rocks in the river and riding in Ruby (the ATV with seatbelts). This time around, Hank also got to play in the snow! He loves the snow and had a great time making a snow man and snow angels and having snowball fights. Its always beautiful at the cabin, but the snow takes things to a different level of beauty.

We all enjoyed relaxing at the cabin, playing in the snow, cooking and baking, making art, playing games, going for walks and just having fun together as a family. In the latter part of our trip, things began to thaw a bit. While it was still rather chilly, it wasn’t cold enough for the snow to remain so things began to thaw a bit and Hank’s snow man melted away. The lack of snow made it possible to visit the Wildlife Rescue Center, or “Mountain Zoo” as Hank likes to call it, and go for rides in Ruby. Hank also got to visit with some of Mr. Lee’s horses – an adventure he thoroughly enjoyed.

It was lovely getting out of our normal day-to-day activities and commitments and just relaxing together as a family. Tyler had some work deadlines so he flew home and Hank and Sarah drove home with GG and Grandad. That was its own adventure and Hank absolutely loved getting to sleep in a hotel again. He’s really an excellent traveller and flying in planes and sleeping in hotels are some of his favorite parts of the travel – that’s a good thing for his mom and dad!

As usual with our cabin trips, we took far more photos than we usually do at home. Here are some photos from our trip in no particular order.

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