July 2013

July was awesome! Sure, it was hot – it always is in Texas, but it was so full of adventure and fun, we can’t complain. Hank took a swim class in July and officially got over his aversion to being in water where he can’t touch the bottom. He quickly picked up new skills and asked to go swimming (not just to the pool) almost every day after his first week of class. We didn’t make it to very many baseball games this month, but we did have a wonderful time playing outdoors in the mornings.

We spent the 4th of July with Hank’s godfather, Patrick as his family’s ranch in Comanche. We all love it out there. Its very relaxing at Patrick’s family home and all of his family is just wonderful. We were glad to get to spend time with his brother, Geoff, before he headed out to Austrailia for work. Hank thinks Mr. TJ, Patrick’s dad, is really funny and he loves Miss Kerry, Patrick’s mom – who saved the very best bits of canteloupe and watermelon just for him. Fortunately, they all love Hank too. We had a wonderful time celebrating our nation’s independence, eating good food and watching beautiful fireworks.

We went on hikes with cousins, visited the Capital of Texas Zoo (which is a really cool rescue zoo) with Grandma, went to both art and library storytimes with friends and just generally had a blast. Tyler was still rather slammed at work this month, but he still got to enjoy some family adventures and swimming with Hank. Aunt Laura, Uncle Jon and cousins, Alyssa, Meagan and Christopher visited our area this month. We loved getting to see them and spend some time together. Tyler and Sarah celebrated birthdays the same week and Grandma made each of them delicious cakes (Texas Sheet for Tyler and Italian Cream for Sarah)

Hank spent an entire week at GG and Grandad’s house with his cousin, Ainsely in the middle of the month. We called it “Camp GG & Grandad” he called it “FUN!!” The timing really worked out well as Tyler had lots of meetings that week and Sarah served as the vocal coach for a fine arts camp at our church during the day all week. It wasn’t all work for Mom and Dad while Hank was away at Camp GG & Grandad, we managed to catch a film and a U2 cover-band and even sleep in one of those days. A real treat for parents of a young child.

After his visit to GG and Grandad’s Hank got to participate in a tennis camp at our local rec center. He had a blast and we were pleasantly surprised to learn one of his pals from Bible study was in the same camp. They had a great time and learned a lot. We met Aunt Traci, Ainsely and Dalton at the Heritage Homestead this month and enjoyed a hayride. Typically when we visit the homestead, its in the middle of the week but evidentally on weekends they offer hayrides in a horse-drawn carriage. While it was rather warm that day, we all had a wonderful time together at the homestead and Hank happily shared some of his hats with his cousins. Dalton particularly liked the hat he got to wear and didn’t want to take it off even when he was hot. It was very cute. Hank continued with his Kung Fu this month, earning a new belt. He decided he wanted to take a break from playing violin so he’s having a hiatus from lessons and practice right now. Hank had a blast this month visiting museums, going bowling and playing at parks with friends and swimming with cousins. It was a full, busy and fun month!

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