Hank is 6!

Hank celebrated his 6th birthday with friends, family, sweets and science. He ended up having 2 parties in the same day. First he had a party with a few pals in the morning – they did lots of fun science experiments and had a blast playing with “snow” and watching diet soda explode in our back yard. The pinata was a big hit as well. Hank had a great time!

Later in the day, after his guests had gone home, Hank’s GG and Grandad arrived with Hank’s cousins, Dalton and Ainsely. Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Donna came over as well for Hank’s birthday dinner – he chose pancakes. So we had pancakes and more sweets and Hank, Ainsley and Dalton had science fun together with grandparents and a special aunt checking out their progress. Ainsley, Dalton, GG and Grandad stayed for a sleepover and while not much sleep ended up happening, Hank really enjoyed their visit.

He had a great day and is excited that he is 6 years old now. Here are some photos from the day in no particular order. We are so happy Hank is 6 years old and had a wonderful time celebrating with him!

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