Hank is 3!

Its hard to believe Hank is already three years old – the time is certainly flying! Hank celebrated his 3rd bithday this fall with a party at the Mayborn Museum. He had an absolute blast exploring the museum with friends and family and showing them his favorite exhibits. As usual, we spent quite a bit of time in the Water and Bubbles room (one of Hank’s favorites). Hank wanted lemon cupcakes with “yellow icing, like the sun!” for his party. On his actual birthday (Oct. 25th), we went out for Asian food. Hank enjoyed one of his favorites, salt and pepper shrimp (with no shells) and he tried a new (to him) vegetable, snow pea leaves. We had chocolate cake and Hank had fun putting the candles on himself – counting to make sure there were three. We had such a wonderful time celebrating his birthday and Hank is happy to be three!

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