Fall Fests & Halloween

Halloween was super fun for Hank this year. He chose his own costume this year and we thought he made an adorable triceratops. From the moment his costume arrived, he wanted to wear it every day. We didn’t let him do that, but he did get to wear it several times throughout the month. Hank got to wear his costume to his Spanish class the week before Halloween, he wore it to his friend, Ethan’s costume party, he wore it to a fall festival where he played with his friends and he wore it on Halloween. Since Halloween, he’s worn it around the house, playing in the yard and to the park. We’re getting lots of use (and lots of smiles) from that costume for sure.

We took Hank to a fall festival and he had such a great time playing with his friends. Hank was really into his role as a dinosaur and took to roaring and chasing people around. It was especially cute to watch him crawl into the bounce house with his little tail. Hank really liked the tail on his costume and would show us the tail by doing a little (and very cute) dance swishing it side to side.

This year we took Hank trick-or-treating for the first time. In years past, we’d usually go to Grandpa and Grandma’s or Josh and Dayna’s house and ring the doorbell and then hang out for a while and then go home. This year, Grandpa and Grandma’s house was our first stop – Hank thought it was so funny that Jack and Yoda didn’t know what to make of his costume. After visiting them, we went to Josh and Dayna’s. Hank had so much fun chasing his cousins around (and roaring), that he ended up going trick-or-treating with them. He had a great time ringing doorbells and getting candy. He told us his bag was “so heavy” and we asked him if we should go home – he said “no, i think there’s still room”. He had a great time!

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